“Fall seven, rise eight, life begins from there!”

Hello my friends, I am Chris Baxter owner and founder of The 8th Rise. I first came upon the quote above in my martial arts training and it resonated deeply within. To me it means intelligent perseverance. I’ve fallen or failed way more than seven times but I always get back up.

I finally became fed up with my life and myself. I decided that I had to change so I started reading self-help books, attending seminars, and implementing what I was learning.

One of the most important things I learned was that there are many ways to accomplish a goal, but it was important to realize what was a good way for me.

The magical solutions and sure-fire techniques that would transport me to Nirvana effortlessly and backed up by rave reviews from the masses never seemed to work as promised. Some were good but something was always missing.

I mentioned above that I am a martial artist; the concept of energy was ever present. The type of energy used to respond to different situations in life whether in the training halls or outside in the real world.

As I began to really contemplate energy and how my energy affected my relationship with myself and others. I began taking courses on healing. I’ve been an energy healer for over 20 years now.

I have experienced for myself and witnessed for my clients the transformative effects of dealing with challenges on a physical, mental/emotional and energetic level.

I help my clients to overcome pain, anxiety, and stress which allows them to breakthrough physical and emotional limitations that hold them back in their lives and careers.

If you are seeking a greater life and purpose, to really embrace being the best version that you can dream of and are frustrated in trying to figure it out on your own. You should know that I have a unique ability to help you toward your goals.

Well at one time I weighed 100 pounds more than I do now. I’ve struggled with alcohol, drugs, anger issues, low self-esteem, joint pain, depression and just negative perception of life. That is now the old me!


Graduate of The Four Winds School of Shamanic Energy Medicine and Health Coaching.
Have been certified in hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), studied trained with schools of energy healing.

The Benefits:
  • The ability and strength to persist in the face of obstacles
  • Confidence that you can become the person you want to be in all areas of your life not just one.
Break-Through Conversation

Instead of experiencing frustration, anxiety, anger, and stagnation, you could choose to be calm, optimistic, and enthusiastic about your life!

Take the next step, contact me. Let’s have a Break-Through Conversation to determine if we should begin this journey.

We will:

  • Identify your goals – What do you really want?
  • How have you been trying to reach your goals?
  • Identify your challenges to achieving your goals – What makes you hesitate or stop?
  • Determine if this is the time to go for it!
  • Discuss how I can support you!